Welcome to Grapes and Leaves Graduate, Kate.
Doug brought in his completed figure doing yoga carved from Myrtle.
Here is another view of Doug's piece. My favorite part is the yin-
yang base of two contrasting woods.
Echo carved this deep relief (about 5/8" deep) of an alpaca from poplar.
Another completed project from Echo.
Maize completed her Butternut and basswood "Book" Box.
Here is the Randall kids class with their finished pieces.
A fun project I am working on for myself is using this really old piece of Curly Redwood.
Step one is to saw a 1 1/4" piece off the end.
Step two is to split 3/16" from the cut strip. I used my Balinese hatchet as a wedge to split the pieces. Because the gain is so curly the grain splits into these beautiful curvy squares.
Each of the pieces will yield 25-30 squares.
I used my NWCoast Crooked knife to smooth the surface. The color and grain are just beautiful. Now that all the pieces are smoothed I now need to figure how to attach them to each other.
I finally completed this Angel Portrait. I started this piece about 25 years ago. It is a portrait of my daughter Sara when she was about 7 or 8 years old. It has lived in the studio and in my office for years at the 75% completed stage. When Sara had her daughter I decided that it needed to be 100% completed and live with them. I did the final clean up, sanding and detail work. The wood is basswood and I decided to just use a wax finish so as to not darken the wood. There is a small amount of oil pencil color added and very thin lines of gold paint underneath each wing feather to give the wings a feeling of lightness.