On February 25, Max, the shop cat, went to Cat Heaven. He will be missed sitting right on top of tool rolls and checking out the woodcarvers progress.
Welcome the new batch of new woodcarvers.
Father and Son woodcarvers. Great job.
A special shout out to Tove an eight year old with a passion for carving.
Niki just finished this carving that was started by her mother in Japan. It was mostly carved but Niki sanded the background and added a tiny bit of color to make the piece really sing.
Doug finished this beautiful Padauk abstract. He was going for a thin flowing form. It almost looks alive.
Where It Lives. Last year if you were in the studio on a Saturday you may have heard one of many of Robyn's stories of her "battle" with a neighborhood skunk that wanted to take up residence under her deck. She tried screening, barricading, loud music, flashing lights even water from a hose, all to no avail. So after months of battling the little critter she had the deck removed and landscaped her back yard. To celebrate her Victory? she carved and painted these little guys that she is happy to have in her back yard.
Where It Lives. This is the home for Art's rattle. It lives with his beautiful Great grandchild.
Where It Lives. Martha's beautiful and whimsical cat carving was excitedly received by her niece. That smile says it all.
Randall Kids woodcarving class. Vincent takes on some lettering with carving and wood-burned accents.
For their second projects the Randall kids walked up to look at the animals the in Museum collection. These guys really did a nice job of capturing the spirit of the animals. The butterfly and the howling wolf are both projects that took a lot of sanding time.
The Randal Kids Woodcarving class did some great work this session. Wonderful attention to detail.
The spoon carving class for adults has lots of beautiful spoons happening. Above are two matching alder spoons.
Another alder spoon in different stages. First the pattern, second roughing out with a hatchet.
Here is the almost completed spoon.
Or is it a beautiful, sensual, abstract sculpture?
One of my repair jobs. This is The infant Jesus of Prague. He was brought to me with the raised had missing and holding nothing but a tiny nail in his left hand.