Women Woodcarvers Rock!!!
Shortly after sending out my last newsletter I got an email from Anom and Dayu asking if maybe we could do a workshop in October. My answer
was yes, yes, yes, absolutely yes. It pays to keep asking. Yipee!!!!
Welcome to new Grapes and Leaves Grads. Khae and Lina enjoyed some time away from family and carved some beautiful Grapes and Leaves.
Shaun had some time before starting a guitar building class and wanted some woodcarving experience to add to his skill set.
Dalia and Tarek had a private lesson and powered through the flower carving in just two hours.
Ashly come to woodcarving with a very special request. Her seventh grade woodshop teacher told her she didn't have enough time to start a bowl in class. She was sure she could so came to prove him wrong. She really was a super focused carver. She carved this Camphor bowl in less than two weeks. What a great lesson for all.
Maisie carved and wood burned this walnut name plaque for her desk.
My niece and fellow woodcarver Camille and I worked together on hollowing out her pine panther carving. We took a chainsaw and cut cross hatched grooves into the underside. She was then able to remove lots of bulk and weight from the piece. This was in preparation to packing up her studio and house to move back to Michigan.
The Randall Kids carving class with a wooden hat, carved snail, rattlesnake and Mask with no hair.
Randall Kids carving carved box, open and closed, Mask with flower hair and closeup of pistachio shell rattles for snake.
Andrew, from the Randall Kids carving class, was frustrated about all the sanding to be done on his bowl. It was carved from sugar Pine. When he finally started to see the beautiful finish start to emerge on the bowl he got excited.
Not woodcarving but one of the carvers published this wonderful cookbook. So proud of Laura.
We had a studio visit from Laura McLively and her husband and baby. She picked up a Teak bowl that she carved before she started working on her book "Berkeley Bowl Cookbook." Such a sweet baby and what a fabulous book.
Here is Lorraine’s piece with 5 coats of oil.
Such a beautiful patina. The grain is so rich looking.
The carving and the wood burning are done on DC Bill's Big Boot. He is doing the staining and we hope to see it in all it's glory soon.
Dave finished his parrot carved from Myrtle wood.
The Randall adult class had fun carving spoons, bowls and wooden swords.
At the Randall class learning to rough out a spoon using a small axe.
Hannah carved this Walnut stirring spoon which can also be used for pounding cabbage for sauerkraut . She left the end of the handle large and round to make this a double duty utensil.
Another wonderful visit from Harry Huck Uliasz. We have carved together for over 40 years, since we both studied with our teacher Ben Shaw. Woodcarvers make the BEST friends.